Are you ready for the boom? What happens when restrictions are lifted
The engines roar into life, gearbox is plucked into gear and everyone is strapped in tight for a quick getaway.
They wait for the call over the radio………………….Go , Go Go!
Whilst this sounds like the start of one of our races, this will likely be the scenario when lockdown restrictions are lifted, but instead of being a race car, it will be families’ cars roaring into life, perents in the front, kids in the back waiting for the call over the radio from the PM lifting restrictions. What will you do first when that day finally comes?!
Australians are very active people, socialising and events are part in parcel with our lifestyle, so whilst everyone is understanding of what they have to do in the current climate, being couped up in their households means that when they are finally allowed to release that pent up anxt and leave home again, there will be a lot to get out of their system. Surely no one will want to ever miss an event ever again! They’ll show up on time to parties and stay even later than before.
Why do we think this will be the case?
Whilst cotroversial, China has decided to be the first to relax restrictions and what followed was madness -people went out in droves to attend popular tourist destinations, shopping centres and events. It was that busy that by 8am on the day that restictions on venues and public tourist destinations had been lifted, they had to be enforced again to stop people literraly sitting on top of each other. Whilst yes, extreame, we will expect to see similar outcomes in Australia, (though we’re of course hoping it will be a little more civilised and no one is sitting on top of strangers).
Testing both the structual strength and its capacity, The Great Wall of China proved to be very popular after the restrictions were lifted
- Photo Credit - Global Risk Insight
But will people spend money? Well if we take some of the biggest retailers into consideration, Harvery Normans sales increased by 300% when the pandemic hit, and Myer has rehired 2000 staff due to the poularity of online shopping during these times.
So whats any of this have to do with motorsport? Well, when we put this into context of our events we are expecting some of the biggest numbers in recent years, both telivised and at the track, meaning eyes on the cars and the businesses that are stickered upon them.
So whilst everyone is going through different situations in this pandemic, what we can expect when we get to the other side of it is a rocket strapped to the back of most of us when everything takes off again!
As we look ahead to restrictions being lifted, and the last two quarters of the year, we think its important that businesses use this time to plan, and to look at that light at the end of the tunnel and ask themselves if its time to get involved with a team as a sponsor (and to achieve this at a lower cost than usual due to the shortening of most sports seasons). Its not always easy to think about these things when you’re in the thick of it, but planning ahead can pay off in dividends in the future.
Aussie Racing Cars look to have the biggest slice of the cake when restrictions are lifted, with Gold Coast, Sandown and Newcastle secured for when racing gets up and going again.
- Photo Credit - Speedcafe
What are your business plans for when the restrictions are lifted?
Will you be looking for the ultimate exposure or stall on the start line?
We take our marketing and exposure seriously, so dont miss this oportunity!
Lets talk, drop us an email at !